MARCH® Vision Care partners with PaySpan® Health for Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) and Electronic Remittance Advices (ERAs).
This service is FREE to MARCH® Vision Care providers.

PaySpan® Health enables online presentment of remittance/vouchers and straight-forward reconciliation of payments to empower our providers to reduce costs, speed secondary billings, improve cash flow, and to help the environment by reducing paper usage.

MARCH® Vision Care offers you the option to receive payments according to preference — electronically direct to a bank account, or by traditional paper check.

As a MARCH® Vision Care provider, you gain immediate benefits by signing up for electronic payments from MARCH® Vision Care through PaySpan® Health:

Improve cash flow

Electronic payments can mean faster payments, leading to improvements in cash flow.

Match payments to advice/vouchers

You can associate electronic payments quickly and easily to an advice/voucher.

Maintain control over bank accounts

You keep TOTAL control over the destination of claim payment funds. Multiple practices and
accounts are supported.

Manage multiple Payers

Reuse enrollment information to connect with multiple Payers. Assign different Payers to
different bank.

Login to PaySpan® Health:

New Users

Once you have received your provider registration code from MARCH® Vision Care, please visit the PaySpan® Health website at www.payspanhealth.com to complete the secure registration process.

If you have not received your provider registration code, please contact PaySpan® Health
at (877) 331-7154.

Existing PaySpan® Health Users

Please log in with your existing user name and password using the secured login option. Once signed-in, enter the new registration code provided by MARCH® Vision Care on the home screen.

Technical Assistance

For technical assistance with PaySpan® Health, including registration, or using the PaySpan® Health System, please contact PaySpan® Health at (877) 331-7154.


For more information about how you can take advantage of PaySpan® Health, please visit the PaySpan® Health website at: www.payspanhealth.com.

Language services can be provided by calling the number on your identification card. For additional language assistance: Español | 中文| Tiếng Việt | 한국어 | Tagalog | Pусский | العربية | Kreyòl | Français | Polski |  Português | Italiano |  Deutsch | 日本語 | فارسی | Other Languages…